309 N Bridge St, Rockton, IL 61072

Opening : Mon-Fri 09:00 – 17:00

DISCOVER The Music Within You

EXPLORE The depth of your musical interest

DEVELOP your musical Giftings

Piano / Vocal Lessons

Music touches the human spirit in a way that nothing else can and the art of making music is a language embedded in every culture that exists. Read More….


Studio 3 places a strong emphasis on performance. Whether musicians or non musicians, all of us are required to “perform” on some level in life. Many have a fear of performance. Read More…

Music Camp

contact Jenny through this website or at 815-988-3021 for more details. Read More….

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Jenny Maragia | Founder/Teacher

The most common quote I hear from adults when they find out I’m a piano teacher is as follows: “I played piano when I was a kid and my parents let me quit. I sure wish I had stuck with it.” In this day and age, children and adults need coping skills for creativity and emotional expression in order to handle societal pressures on a regular basis and communicate effectively to those around them.

Making music is arguably amongst the most important of these life management tools.

At Studio 3 we train musicians young and old to make music for life by presenting them with a variety of musical situations and approaches that build confidence and spur creativity .




Are You Ready For Summer Camp 2023 ?

The Music within you

In the initial phase of musical discovery, the student is taught fundamental sight reading skills reinforced with theory basics and two octave scales. The approach is aggressive and exciting. Most students (of all ages) move quickly through this phase with regular practice and lessons. Basic ear training and composition is also taught at this stage

$32/30 minute Lesson

The depth of your musical interest

As a student you are able to sight read without help. Your practice is increasing and your knowledge of theory and technique has taken you through the primer level of curriculum. You are no longer “discovering” the study of music. You are a studying musician

$32/30 minute Lesson

Your musical giftings

This stage of musical development requires a longer lesson period as we have begin listening and scripting out music . You are now an avid sight reader and the pieces you progress through take you 2 to 3 months (maybe longer) to learn. In addition, you are branching into other styles and genres of music and your theory study has increased and is a bit more time-consuming as is your practice schedule.

$41/40 minute Lesson

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Jenny enjoys playing piano, singing and gardening, as well as homeschooling her four children. Her creative and innovative approach to learning fills Jenny’s time away from the studio with fun and adventure.

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Please fill out the form linked to the Contact us Button.

Studio three

DISCOVER The Music Within You  |  EXPLORE The depth of your musical Interest  |  DEVELOP your musical Giftings

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